Foxy to Galactic

Moving from ROS 2 Foxy to Galactic, a number of stability improvements were added that we will not specifically address here.

ComputePathToPose BT-node Interface Changes

The start input port has been added to optionally allow the request of a path from start to goal instead of from the current position of the robot to goal.

See ComputePathToPose for more information.

ComputePathToPose Action Interface Changes

  • The goal pose field pose was changed to goal.

  • The PoseStamped field start has been added.

  • The bool field use_start has been added.

These two additional fields have been added to optionally allow, when use_start is true, the request of a path from start to goal instead of from the current position of the robot to goal. Corresponding changes have been done of the Planner Server.

BackUp BT-node Interface Changes

The backup_dist and backup_speed input ports should both be positive values indicating the distance to go backward respectively the speed with which the robot drives backward.

BackUp Recovery Interface Changes

speed in a backup recovery goal should be positive indicating the speed with which to drive backward. target.x in a backup recovery goal should be positive indicating the distance to drive backward. In both cases negative values are silently inverted.

FollowPath goal_checker_id attribute

For example: you could use for some specific navigation motion a more precise goal checker than the default one that it is used in usual motions.

<FollowPath path="{path}" controller_id="FollowPath" goal_checker_id="precise_goal_checker" server_name="FollowPath" server_timeout="10"/>
  • The previous usage of the goal_checker_plugin parameter to declare the controller_server goal_checker is now obsolete and removed.

  • The controller_server parameters now support the declaration of a list of goal checkers goal_checker_plugins mapped to unique identifier names, such as is the case with FollowPath and GridBased for the controller and planner plugins, respectively.

  • The specification of the selected goal checker is mandatory when more than one checker is defined in the controller_server parameter configuration. If only one goal_checker is configured in the controller_server it is selected by default even if no goal_checker is specified.

Below it is shown an example of goal_checker configuration of the controller_server node.

      goal_checker_plugins: ["general_goal_checker", "precise_goal_checker"]
          plugin: "nav2_controller::SimpleGoalChecker"
          xy_goal_tolerance: 0.25
         yaw_goal_tolerance: 0.25
          plugin: "nav2_controller::SimpleGoalChecker"
          xy_goal_tolerance: 0.25

Groot Support

Live Monitoring and Editing of behavior trees with Groot is now possible. Switching bt-xmls on the fly through a new goal request is also included. This is all done without breaking any APIs. Enabled by default.

New Plugins

nav2_waypoint_follower has an action server that takes in a list of waypoints to follow and follow them in order. In some cases we might want robot to perform some tasks/behaviours at arrivals of these waypoints. In order to perform such tasks, a generic plugin interface WaypointTaskExecutor has been added to nav2_core. Users can inherit from this interface to implement their own plugin to perform more specific tasks at waypoint arrivals for their needs.

Several example implementations are included in nav2_waypoint_follower. WaitAtWaypoint and PhotoAtWaypoint plusings are included in nav2_waypoint_follower as run-time loadable plugins. WaitAtWaypoint simply lets robot to pause for a specified amount of time in milliseconds, at waypoint arrivals. While PhotoAtWaypoint takes photos at waypoint arrivals and saves the taken photos to specified directory, the format for taken photos also can be configured through parameters. All major image formats such as png, jpeg, jpg etc. are supported, the default format is png.

Loading a plugin of this type is done through nav2_bringup/params/nav2_param.yaml, by specifying plugin’s name, type and it’s used parameters.

    loop_rate: 20
    stop_on_failure: false
    waypoint_task_executor_plugin: "wait_at_waypoint"
        plugin: "nav2_waypoint_follower::WaitAtWaypoint"
        enabled: True
        waypoint_pause_duration: 0

Original GitHub tickets:

Costmap Filters

A new concept interacting with spatial-dependent objects called “Costmap Filters” appeared in Galactic (more information about this concept could be found at Navigation Concepts page). Costmap filters are acting as a costmap plugins, applied to a separate costmap above common plugins. In order to make a filtered costmap and change robot’s behavior in annotated areas, filter plugin reads the data came from filter mask. Then this data is being linearly transformed into feature map in a filter space. It could be passability of an area, maximum speed limit in m/s, robot desired direction in degrees or anything else. Transformed feature map along with the map/costmap, sensors data and current robot position is used in plugin’s algorithms to make required updates in the resulting costmap and robot’s behavior.

Architecturally, costmap filters consists from CostmapFilter class which is a basic class incorporating much common of its inherited filter plugins:

  • KeepoutFilter: keep-out/safety zones filter plugin.

  • SpeedFilter: slow/speed-restricted areas filter.

  • Preferred lanes in industries. This plugin is covered by KeepoutFilter (see discussion in corresponding PR for more details).

Each costmap filter subscribes to filter info topic (publishing by Costmap Filter Info Publisher Server) having all necessary information for loaded costmap filter and filter mask topic. SpeedFilter additionally publishes maximum speed restricting messages targeted for a Controller to enforce robot won’t exceed given limit.

High-level design of this concept could be found here. The functionality of costmap filters is being discussed in the ticket #1263 and carried out by PR #1882. The following tutorials: Navigating with Keepout Zones and Navigating with Speed Limits will help to easily get involved with KeepoutFilter and SpeedFilter functionalities.


A new package, nav2_smac_planner was added containing 4 or 8 connected 2D A*, and Dubin and Reed-shepp model hybrid-A* with smoothing, multi-resolution query, and more.

The nav2_smac_planner package contains an optimized templated A* search algorithm used to create multiple A*-based planners for multiple types of robot platforms. We support differential-drive and omni-directional drive robots using the SmacPlanner2D planner which implements a cost-aware A* planner. We support cars, car-like, and ackermann vehicles using the SmacPlanner plugin which implements a Hybrid-A* planner. This plugin is also useful for curvature constrained planning, like when planning robot at high speeds to make sure they don’t flip over or otherwise skid out of control.

The SmacPlanner fully-implements the Hybrid-A* planner as proposed in Practical Search Techniques in Path Planning for Autonomous Driving, including hybrid searching, CG smoothing, analytic expansions and heuristic functions.


A new package, nav2_theta_star_planner was added containing 4 or 8 connected Theta* implementation for 2D maps.

This package implements an optimized version of the Theta* Path Planner (specifically the Lazy Theta* P variant) to plan any-angled paths for differential-drive and omni-directional robots, while also taking into account the costmap costs. This plugin is useful for the cases where you might want to plan a path at a higher rate but without requiring extremely smooth paths around the corners which, for example, could be handled by a local planner/controller.


A new package, nav2_regulated_pure_pursuit_controller was added containing a novel variant of the Pure Pursuit algorithm. It also includes configurations to enable Pure Pursuit and Adaptive Pure Pursuit variations as well.

This variation is specifically targeting service / industrial robot needs. It regulates the linear velocities by curvature of the path to help reduce overshoot at high speeds around blind corners allowing operations to be much more safe. It also better follows paths than any other variation currently available of Pure Pursuit. It also has heuristics to slow in proximity to other obstacles so that you can slow the robot automatically when nearby potential collisions. It also implements the Adaptive lookahead point features to be scaled by velocities to enable more stable behavior in a larger range of translational speeds.

There’s more this does, that that’s the general information. See the package’s README for more.

Costmap2D current_ Usage

In costmap2D, current_ was used in ROS1 to represent whether a costmap layer was still enabled and actively processing data. It would be turned to false only under the situation that the expected update rate of a sensor was not met, so it was getting stale or no messages. It acts as a fail-safe for if a navigation sensor stops publishing.

In galactic, that will remain turn, however it will also add additional capabilities. It is also now set to false when a costmap is reset due to clearing or other navigation recoveries. That stops the robot from creating a plan or control effort until after the costmap has been updated at least once after a reset. This enables us to make sure we cannot ever create a path or control with a completely empty costmap, potentially leading to collisions, due to clearing the costmap and then immediately requesting an algorithm to run.

Standard time units in parameters

To follow the SI units outlined in REP-103 to the “T” nodes below were modified to use seconds consistently in every parameter. Under each node name you can see which parameters changed to seconds instead of using milliseconds.

  • lifecycle manager

    • bond_timeout_ms became bond_timeout in seconds

  • smac planner

    • max_planning_time_ms became max_planning_time in seconds

  • map saver

    • save_map_timeout in seconds

Ray Tracing Parameters

Raytracing functionality was modified to include a minimum range parameter from which ray tracing starts to clear obstacles to avoid incorrectly clearing obstacles too close to the robot. This issue was mentioned in ROS Answers. An existing parameter raytrace_range was renamed to raytrace_max_range to reflect the functionality it affects. The renamed parameters and the plugins that they belong to are mentioned below. The changes were introduced in this pull request.

  • obstacle_layer plugin

    • raytrace_min_range controls the minimum range from which ray tracing clears obstacles from the costmap

    • raytrace_max_range controls the maximum range to which ray tracing clears obstacles from the costmap

  • voxel_layer plugin

    • raytrace_min_range controls the minimum range from which ray tracing clears obstacles from the costmap

    • raytrace_max_range controls the maximum range to which ray tracing clears obstacles from the costmap

Obstacle Marking Parameters

Obstacle marking was modified to include a minimum range parameter from which obstacles are marked on the costmap to prevent addition of obstacles in the costmap due to noisy and incorrect measurements. This modification is related to the change with the raytracing parameters. The renamed parameters, newly added parameters and the plugins they belong to are given below.

  • obstacle_layer plugin

    • obstacle_min_range controls the minimum range from which obstacle are marked on the costmap

    • obstacle_max_range controls the maximum range to which obstacles are marked on the costmap

  • voxel_layer plugin

    • obstacle_min_range controls the minimum range from which obstacle are marked on the costmap

    • obstacle_max_range controls the maximum range to which obstacles are marked on the costmap

Recovery Action Changes

The recovery actions, Spin and BackUp were modified to correctly return FAILURE if the recovery action is aborted due to a potential collision. Previously, these actions incorrectly always returned SUCCESS. Changes to this resulted in downstream action clients, such as the default behavior tree. The changes were introduced in this pull request 1855.

Default Behavior Tree Changes

The default behavior tree (BT) navigate_w_replanning_and_recovery.xml has been updated to allow for replanning in between recoveries. The changes were introduced in this PR 1855. Additionally, an alternative BT navigate_w_replanning_and_round_robin_recovery.xml was removed due to similarity with the updated default BT.

New ClearCostmapExceptRegion and ClearCostmapAroundRobot BT-nodes

The ClearEntireCostmap action node was already implemented but the ClearCostmapExceptRegion and ClearCostmapAroundRobot BT nodes calling the sister services (local_or_global)_costmap/clear_except_(local_or_global)_costmap and clear_around_(local_or_global)_costmap of Costmap 2D were missing, they are now implemented in a similar way. They both expose a reset_distance input port. See ClearCostmapExceptRegion and ClearCostmapAroundRobot for more. The changes were introduced in this pull request 2204.

New Behavior Tree Nodes

A new behavior tree node was added and dynamically loadable at run-time using behavior tree cpp v3. See nav2_behavior_tree for a full listing, or Navigation Plugins for the current list of behavior tree plugins and their descriptions. These plugins are set as default in the nav2_bt_navigator but may be overridden by the bt_plugins parameter to include your specific plugins.

Original GitHub tickets:

Additionally, behavior tree nodes were modified to contain their own local executors to spin for actions, topics, services, etc to ensure that each behavior tree node is independent of each other (e.g. spinning in one BT node doesn’t trigger a callback in another).

sensor_msgs/PointCloud to sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 Change

Due to deprecation of sensor_msgs/PointCloud the topics which were publishing sensor_msgs/PointCloud are converted to sensor_msgs/PointCloud2. The details on these topics and their respective information are listed below.

  • clearing_endpoints topic in voxel_layer plugin of nav2_costmap_2d package

  • voxel_marked_cloud and voxel_unknown_cloud topic in costmap_2d_cloud node of nav2_costmap_2d package

  • cost_cloud topic of publisher.cpp of dwb_core package.

These changes were introduced in pull request 2263.

ControllerServer New Parameter failure_tolerance

A new parameter failure_tolerance was added to the Controller Server for tolerating controller plugin exceptions without failing immediately. It is analogous to controller_patience in ROS(1) Nav. See Controller Server for description. This change was introduced in this pull request 2264.

Removed BT XML Launch Configurations

The launch python configurations for CLI setting of the behavior tree XML file has been removed. Instead, you should use the yaml files to set this value. If you, however, have a path to the yaml file that is inconsistent in a larger deployment, you can use the RewrittenYaml tool in your parent launch file to remap the default XML paths utilizing the get_shared_package_path() directory finder (or as you were before in python3).

The use of map subscription QoS launch configuration was also removed, use parameter file. This change was introduced in this pull request 2295.