Simple Commander API
The goal of the Nav2 Simple (Python3) Commander is to provide a “navigation as a library” capability to Python3 users. We provide an API that handles all the ROS 2 and Action Server tasks for you such that you can focus on building an application leveraging the capabilities of Nav2 (after you’ve configured it to your liking with your plugins of choice). We also provide you with demos and examples of API usage to build common basic capabilities in autonomous mobile robotics in the nav2_simple_commander
A simple demonstration is shown below. Note: goToPose()
, goThroughPoses()
, followWaypoints()
and similar are non-blocking such that you can receive and process feedback in a single-threaded application. As such while waiting for a task to be completed, the while not nav.isTaskComplete()
design is necessary to poll for changes in the navigation completion, and if not complete some tasks of interest to your application (like processing feedback, doing something with the data the robot is collecting, or checking for faults).
You may use this simple commander preempt commands of the same type (e.g. you can preempt a goToPose()
with another goToPose()
) but you must explicitly cancel a current command and issue a new one if switching between goToPose()
, goThroughPoses()
, or followWaypoints()
from nav2_simple_commander.robot_navigator import BasicNavigator
import rclpy
nav = BasicNavigator()
# ...
nav.waitUntilNav2Active() # if autostarted, else use lifecycleStartup()
# ...
path = nav.getPath(init_pose, goal_pose)
smoothed_path = nav.smoothPath(path)
# ...
while not nav.isTaskComplete():
feedback = nav.getFeedback()
if feedback.navigation_duration > 600:
# ...
result = nav.getResult()
if result == TaskResult.SUCCEEDED:
print('Goal succeeded!')
elif result == TaskResult.CANCELED:
print('Goal was canceled!')
elif result == TaskResult.FAILED:
print('Goal failed!')
Commander API
The methods provided by the basic navigator are shown below, with inputs and expected returns. If a server fails, it may throw an exception or return a None object, so please be sure to properly wrap your navigation calls in try/catch and check returns for None type.
New as of September 2023: the simple navigator constructor will accept a namespace field to support multi-robot applications or namespaced Nav2 launches.
Robot Navigator Method |
Description |
setInitialPose(initial_pose) |
Sets the initial pose ( |
goThroughPoses(poses, behavior_tree=’’) |
Requests the robot to drive through a set of poses
(list of |
goToPose(pose, behavior_tree=’’) |
Requests the robot to drive to a pose ( |
followWaypoints(poses) |
Requests the robot to follow a set of waypoints (list of |
followPath(path, controller_id=’’, goal_checker_id=’’) |
Requests the robot to follow a path from a starting to a goal
spin(spin_dist=1.57, time_allowance=10, disable_collision_checks=False) |
Requests the robot to performs an in-place rotation by a given angle. |
driveOnHeading(dist=0.15, speed=0.025, time_allowance=10, disable_collision_checks=False) |
Requests the robot to drive on heading by a given distance. |
backup(backup_dist=0.15, backup_speed=0.025, time_allowance=10, disable_collision_checks=False) |
Requests the robot to back up by a given distance. |
assistedTeleop(time_allowance=30) |
Requests the robot to run the assisted teleop action. |
cancelTask() |
Cancel an ongoing task, including route tasks. |
isTaskComplete(trackingRoute=False) |
Checks if task is complete yet, times out at |
getFeedback(trackingRoute=False) |
Gets feedback from task, returns action server feedback msg.
If getting feedback on a tracking task, set default argument to |
getResult() |
Gets final result of task, to be called after |
getPath(start, goal, planner_id=’’, use_start=False) |
Gets a path from a starting to a goal |
getPathThroughPoses(start, goals, planner_id=’’, use_start=False) |
Gets a path through a starting to a set of goals, a list
of |
dockRobot(dock_pose, dock_type) |
Attempts to dock the robot at a given docking pose and type, without using docking database of known docks. |
dockRobot(dock_id) |
Attempts to dock the robot at a given dock ID in the database of known docks. |
undockRobot(dock_type=””) |
Undocks robot. If docking server instance was used to dock, type is not required. |
smoothPath(path, smoother_id=’’, max_duration=2.0, check_for_collision=False) |
Smooths a given path of type |
changeMap(map_filepath) |
Requests a change from the current map to map_filepath’s yaml. |
clearAllCostmaps() |
Clears both the global and local costmaps. |
clearLocalCostmap() |
Clears the local costmap. |
clearGlobalCostmap() |
Clears the global costmap. |
getGlobalCostmap() |
Returns the global costmap, |
getLocalCostmap() |
Returns the local costmap, |
waitUntilNav2Active( navigator=’bt_navigator’, localizer=’amcl’) |
Blocks until Nav2 is completely online and lifecycle nodes are in the active state. To be used in conjunction with autostart or external lifecycle bringup. Custom navigator and localizer nodes can be specified |
lifecycleStartup() |
Sends a request to all lifecycle management servers to bring them into
the active state, to be used if autostart is |
lifecycleShutdown() |
Sends a request to all lifecycle management servers to shut them down. |
destroyNode() |
Releases the resources used by the object. |
Costmap API
This is a Python3 API for costmap 2d messages from the stack. It provides the basic conversion, get/set, and handling semantics found in the costmap 2d C++ API.
Costmap Method |
Description |
getSizeInCellsX() |
Get map width in cells. |
getSizeInCellsY() |
Get map height in cells. |
getSizeInMetersX() |
Get x axis map size in meters. |
getSizeInMetersY() |
Get y axis map size in meters. |
getOriginX() |
Get the origin x axis of the map [m]. |
getOriginY() |
Get the origin y axis of the map [m]. |
getResolution() |
Get map resolution [m/cell]. |
getGlobalFrameID() |
Get global frame_id. |
getCostmapTimestamp() |
Get costmap timestamp. |
getCostXY(mx, my) |
Get the cost ( |
getCostIdx(index) |
Get the cost ( |
setCost(mx, my, cost) |
Set the cost ( |
mapToWorld(mx, my) |
Get the wx ( |
worldToMapValidated(wx, wy) |
Get the mx ( |
getIndex(mx, my) |
Get the index ( |
Footprint Collision Checker API
This is a Python3 API for a Footprint Collision Checker. It provides the needed methods to manipulate the coordinates and calculate the cost of a Footprint in a given map.
Footprint Collision Checker Method |
Description |
footprintCost(footprint) |
Checks the footprint ( |
lineCost(x0, x1, y0, y1, step_size=0.5) |
Iterate over all the points along a line and check for collision.
The line is defined by x0, y0, x1, y1, step_size ( |
worldToMapValidated(wx, wy) |
Get the mx ( |
pointCost(x, y) |
Get the cost of a point in the costmap using map coordinates XY. ( |
setCostmap(costmap) |
Specify which costmap to use with the footprint collision checker. ( |
footprintCostAtPose(x, y, theta, footprint) |
Get the cost of a footprint at a specific Pose in map coordinates.
x, y, theta ( |
Examples and Demos
All of these can be found in the package.

The nav2_simple_commander
has a few examples to highlight the API functions available to you as a user:
- Demonstrates the navigate to pose capabilities of the navigator, as well as a number of auxiliary
- Demonstrates the navigate through poses capabilities of the navigator, as well as a number of auxiliary
- Demonstrates the waypoint following capabilities of the navigator, as well as a number of auxiliary
- Demonstrates the path following capabilities of the navigator, as well as a number of auxiliary methods like path
- Demonstrates the assisted teleop capabilities of the navigator.
The nav2_simple_commander
has a few demonstrations to highlight a couple of simple autonomy applications you can build using the API:
- A simple security robot application, showing how to have a robot follow a security route using Navigate Through Poses to do a patrol route,
- A simple item picking application, showing how to have a robot drive to a specific shelf in a warehouse to either pick an item or have a person place an item into a basket and deliver it to a destination for shipping using Navigate To
- A simple shelf inspection application, showing how to use the Waypoint Follower and task executors to take pictures, RFID scans, etc of shelves to analyze the current shelf statuses and locate items in the warehouse.