Introduction To Nav2 Specific Nodes
- Vocabulary can be a large point of confusion here when first starting out.
when discussing BTs is entirely different than aNode
in the ROS 2 contextAn
in the context of BTs is not necessarily connected to an Action Server in the ROS 2 context (but often it is)
There are quite a few custom Nav2 BT nodes that are provided to be used in the Nav2 specific fashion. Some commonly used Nav2 nodes will be described below. The full list of custom BT nodes can be found in the nav2_behavior_tree plugins folder. The configuration guide can also be quite useful.
Action Nodes
ComputePathToPose - ComputePathToPose Action Server Client (Planner Interface)
FollowPath - FollowPath Action Server Client (Controller Interface)
Spin, Wait, Backup - Behaviors Action Server Client
ClearCostmapService - ClearCostmapService Server Clients
Upon completion, these action nodes will return SUCCESS
if the action server believes the action has been completed correctly, RUNNING
when still running, and will return FAILURE
otherwise. Note that in the above list,
the ClearCostmapService action node is not an action server client, but a service client.
Condition Nodes
GoalUpdated - Checks if the goal on the goal topic has been updated
GoalReached - Checks if the goal has been reached
InitialPoseReceived - Checks to see if a pose on the
topic has been receivedisBatteryLow - Checks to see if the battery is low by listening on the battery topic
The above list of condition nodes can be used to probe particular aspects of the system. Typically they will return SUCCESS
if the condition is true and FAILURE
The key condition that is used in the default Nav2 BT is GoalUpdated
which is checked asynchronously within particular subtrees. This condition node allows for the behavior described as “If the goal has been updated, then we must replan”.
Condition nodes are typically paired with ReactiveFallback nodes.
Decorator Nodes
Distance Controller - Will tick children nodes every time the robot has traveled a certain distance
Rate Controller - Controls the ticking of its child node at a constant frequency. The tick rate is an exposed port
Goal Updater - Will update the goal of children nodes via ports on the BT
Single Trigger - Will only tick its child node once, and will return
for all subsequent ticksSpeed Controller - Controls the ticking of its child node at a rate proportional to the robot’s speed
Control: PipelineSequence
The PipelineSequence
control node re-ticks previous children when a child returns RUNNING
This node is similar to the Sequence
node, with the additional property that the children prior to the “current” are re-ticked, (resembling the flow of water in a pipe).
If at any point a child returns FAILURE
, all children will be halted and the parent node will also return FAILURE
of the last node in the sequence, this node will halt and return SUCCESS
To explain this further, here is an example BT that uses PipelineSequence.
<root main_tree_to_execute="MainTree">
<BehaviorTree ID="MainTree">
, andAction_C
are allIDLE
.When the parent PipelineSequence is first ticked, let’s assume
. The parent node will now returnRUNNING
and no other nodes are ticked.
Now, let’s assume
will now get ticked and will returnRUNNING
has not yet been ticked so will returnIDLE
gets ticked again and returnsRUNNING
, andAction_B
gets re-ticked and returnsSUCCESS
and therefore the BT goes on to tickAction_C
for the first time. Let’s assumeAction_C
. The retick-ing ofAction_A
is what makes PipelineSequence useful.
All actions in the sequence will be re-ticked. Let’s assume
still returnsRUNNING
, where asAction_B
again, andAction_C
now returnsSUCCESS
on this tick. The sequence is now complete, and thereforeAction_A
is halted, even though it was stillRUNNING
Recall that if Action_A
, Action_B
, or Action_C
returned FAILURE
at any point of time, the parent would have returned FAILURE
and halted any children as well.
For additional details regarding the PipelineSequence
please see the PipelineSequence configuration guide.
Control: Recovery
The Recovery control node has only two children and returns SUCCESS
if and only if the first child returns SUCCESS
If the first child returns FAILURE
, the second child will be ticked. This loop will continue until either:
The first child returns
(which results inSUCCESS
of the parent node)The second child returns
(which results inFAILURE
of the parent node)The
input parameter is violated
This node is usually used to link together an action, and a recovery action as the name suggests. The first action will typically be the “main” behavior,
and the second action will be something to be done in case of FAILURE
of the main behavior. Often, the ticking of the second child action will promote the chance the first action will succeed.
<root main_tree_to_execute="MainTree">
<BehaviorTree ID="MainTree">
<RecoveryNode number_of_retries="1">
In the above example, let’s assume ComputePathToPose
fails. ClearLocalCostmap
will be ticked in response, and return SUCCESS
Now that we have cleared the costmap, let’s say the robot is correctly able to compute the path and ComputePathToPose
now returns SUCCESS
. Then, the parent RecoveryNode will also return SUCCESS
and the BT will be complete.
For additional details regarding the RecoveryNode
please see the RecoveryNode configuration guide.
Control: RoundRobin
The RoundRobin control node ticks its children in a round robin fashion until a child returns SUCCESS
, in which the parent node will also return SUCCESS
If all children return FAILURE
so will the parent RoundRobin.
Here is an example BT we will use to walk through the concept.
<root main_tree_to_execute="MainTree">
<BehaviorTree ID="MainTree">
All the nodes start at
2. Upon tick of the parent node, the first child (Action_A
) is ticked. Let’s assume on tick the child returns RUNNING
In this case, no other children are ticked and the parent node returns RUNNING
as well.
3. Upon the next tick, let’s assume that Action_A
returns FAILURE
This means that Action_B
will get ticked next, and Action_C
remains unticked.
Let’s assume Action_B
returns RUNNING
this time. That means the parent RoundRobin node will also return RUNNING
4. Upon this next tick, let’s assume that Action_B
returns SUCCESS
. The parent RoundRobin will now halt all children and return SUCCESS
The parent node retains this state information, and will tick Action_C
upon the next tick rather than start from Action_A
like Step 2 did.
On this tick, let’s assume
, and so does the parent RoundRobin. No other nodes are ticked.
On this last tick, let’s assume
. The parent will circle and tickAction_A
and so will the parent RoundRobin node. This pattern will continue indefinitely unless all children returnFAILURE
For additional details regarding the RoundRobin
please see the RoundRobin configuration guide.