Navigation Plugins
There are a number of plugin interfaces for users to create their own custom applications or algorithms with. Namely, the costmap layer, planner, controller, behavior tree, and behavior plugins. A list of all known plugins are listed here below for ROS 2 Navigation. If you know of a plugin, or you have created a new plugin, please consider submitting a pull request with that information.
This file can be found and edited under sphinx_docs/plugins/index.rst
For tutorials on creating your own plugins, please see Writing a New Costmap2D Plugin, Writing a New Behavior Tree Plugin, Writing a New Controller Plugin, Writing a New Planner Plugin, Writing a New Behavior Plugin, or Writing a New Navigator Plugin.
Behavior-Tree Navigators
Plugin Name |
Creator |
Description |
Steve Macenski |
Point-to-point navigation via a behavior tree action server |
Steve Macenski |
Point-through-points navigation via a behavior tree action server |
Steve Macenski |
Complete coverage navigation (Cartesian or GPS) via a BTs |
Costmap Layers
Plugin Name |
Creator |
Description |
Eitan Marder-Eppstein |
Maintains persistent 3D voxel layer using depth and laser sensor readings and raycasting to clear free space |
David Lu |
Uses a probabilistic model to put data from sensors that publish range msgs on the costmap |
Eitan Marder-Eppstein |
Gets static |
Eitan Marder-Eppstein |
Inflates lethal obstacles in costmap with exponential decay |
Eitan Marder-Eppstein |
Maintains persistent 2D costmap from 2D laser scans with raycasting to clear free space |
Steve Macenski |
Maintains temporal 3D sparse volumetric voxel grid with decay through sensor models |
Steve Macenski |
Maintains 3D occupancy grid consisting only of the most sets of measurements |
Andrey Ryzhikov |
Filters noise-induced standalone obstacles or small obstacles groups |
Alexander Yuen |
Combines the different costmap layers specified under this layer in order populate the same costmap with different isolated combinations of costmap layers |
Costmap Filters
Plugin Name |
Creator |
Description |
Alexey Merzlyakov |
Maintains keep-out/safety zones and preferred lanes for moving |
Alexey Merzlyakov |
Limits maximum velocity of robot in speed restriction areas |
Alexey Merzlyakov |
Enables binary (boolean) mask behavior to trigger actions. |
Plugin Name |
Creator |
Description |
Drivetrain support |
David Lu!! |
A highly configurable DWA implementation with plugin interfaces |
Differential, Omnidirectional, Legged |
Christoph Rösmann |
A MPC-like controller suitable for ackermann, differential, and holonomic robots. |
Ackermann, Legged, Omnidirectional, Differential |
Steve Macenski |
A service / industrial robot variation on the pure pursuit algorithm with adaptive features. |
Ackermann, Legged, Differential |
Steve Macenski Aleksei Budyakov |
A predictive MPC controller with modular & custom cost functions that can accomplish many tasks. |
Differential, Omni, Ackermann |
Steve Macenski |
A “shim” controller to rotate to path heading before passing to main controller for tracking. |
Differential, Omni, model rotate in place |
Alberto Tudela |
A controller based on a pose-following control law to generate smooth trajectories. |
Differential, Omni, Legged |
Black Coffee Robotics |
A controller based on the vector pursuit algorithm useful for high speed accurate path tracking. |
Differential, Ackermann, Legged, |
Plugin Name |
Creator |
Description |
Drivetrain support |
Eitan Marder-Eppstein & Kurt Konolige |
A navigation function using A* or Dijkstras expansion, assumes 2D holonomic particle |
Differential, Omnidirectional, Legged |
Steve Macenski |
A SE2 Hybrid-A* implementation using either Dubin or Reeds-shepp motion models with smoother and multi-resolution query. Cars, car-like, and ackermann vehicles. Kinematically feasible. |
Ackermann, Differential, Omnidirectional, Legged |
Steve Macenski |
A 2D A* implementation Using either 4 or 8 connected neighborhoods with smoother and multi-resolution query |
Differential, Omnidirectional, Legged |
Steve Macenski |
An implementation of State Lattice Planner using pre-generated minimum control sets for kinematically feasible planning with any type of vehicle imaginable. Includes generator script for Ackermann, diff, omni, and legged robots. |
Differential, Omnidirectional, Ackermann, Legged, Arbitrary / Custom |
Anshumaan Singh |
An implementation of Theta* using either 4 or 8 connected neighborhoods, assumes the robot as a 2D holonomic particle |
Differential, Omnidirectional |
Plugin Name |
Creator |
Description |
Steve Macenski |
A simple path smoother for infeasible (e.g. 2D) planners |
Matej Vargovcik & Steve Macenski |
A path smoother using a constraints problem solver to optimize various criteria such as smoothness or distance from obstacles, maintaining minimum turning radius |
Steve Macenski |
A path smoother using a Savitzky-Golay filter to smooth the path via digital signal processing to remove noise from the path. |
Plugin Name |
Creator |
Description |
Eitan Marder-Eppstein |
A service to clear the given costmap in case of incorrect perception or robot is stuck |
Steve Macenski |
Rotate behavior of configurable angles to clear out free space and nudge robot out of potential local failures |
Brian Wilcox |
Back up behavior of configurable distance to back out of a situation where the robot is stuck |
Steve Macenski |
Wait behavior with configurable time to wait in case of time based obstacle like human traffic or getting more sensor data |
Joshua Wallace |
Drive on heading behavior with configurable distance to drive |
Joshua Wallace |
AssistedTeleop behavior that scales teleop commands to prevent collisions. |
Waypoint Task Executors
Plugin Name |
Creator |
Description |
Fetullah Atas |
A plugin to execute a wait behavior on waypoint arrivals. |
Fetullah Atas |
A plugin to take and save photos to specified directory on waypoint arrivals. |
Steve Macenski |
A plugin to wait for user input before moving onto the next waypoint. |
Goal Checkers
Plugin Name |
Creator |
Description |
David Lu!! |
A plugin check whether robot is within translational distance and rotational distance of goal. |
David Lu!! |
A plugin check whether robot is within translational distance , rotational distance of goal, and velocity threshold. |
Progress Checkers
Plugin Name |
Creator |
Description |
David Lu!! |
A plugin to check whether the robot was able to move a minimum distance in a given time to make progress towards a goal |
Guillaume Doisy |
A plugin to check whether the robot was able to move a minimum distance or angle in a given time to make progress towards a goal |
Behavior Tree Nodes
Action Plugin Name |
Creator |
Description |
Michael Jeronimo |
Calls backup behavior action |
Joshua Wallace |
Calls drive on heading behavior action |
Joshua Wallace |
Calls assisted teleop behavior action |
Carl Delsey |
Calls clear entire costmap service |
Guillaume Doisy |
Calls clear costmap except region service |
Guillaume Doisy |
Calls clear costmap around robot service |
Michael Jeronimo |
Calls Nav2 planner server |
Matej Vargovcik |
Calls Nav2 smoother server |
Michael Jeronimo |
Calls Nav2 controller server |
Michael Jeronimo |
BT Node for other BehaviorTree.CPP BTs to call Navigation2 as a subtree action |
Carl Delsey |
Reinitialize AMCL to a new pose |
Carl Delsey |
Calls spin behavior action |
Steve Macenski |
Calls wait behavior action |
Francisco Martín |
Modifies a path making it shorter |
Matej Vargovcik |
Extracts a path section around robot |
Pablo Iñigo Blasco |
Selects the global planner based on a topic input, otherwises uses a default planner id |
Pablo Iñigo Blasco |
Selects the controller based on a topic input, otherwises uses a default controller id |
Pablo Iñigo Blasco |
Selects the goal checker based on a topic input, otherwises uses a default goal checker id |
Owen Hooper |
Selects the smoother based on a topic input, otherwises uses a default smoother id |
Steve Macenski |
Selects the progress checker based on a topic input, otherwises uses a default progress checker id |
Steve Macenski |
BT Node for other BehaviorTree.CPP BTs to call Nav2’s NavThroughPoses action |
Steve Macenski |
Removes goal poses passed or within a tolerance for culling old viapoints from path re-planning |
Tony Najjar |
Removes goal poses that have a footprint or point cost above a threshold. |
Steve Macenski |
Computes a path through a set of poses rather than a single end goal pose using the planner plugin specified |
Pradheep Padmanabhan |
Cancels Nav2 controller server |
Pradheep Padmanabhan |
Cancels backup behavior action |
Pradheep Padmanabhan |
Cancels spin behavior action |
Pradheep Padmanabhan |
Cancels wait behavior action |
Joshua Wallace |
Cancels drive on heading behavior action |
Joshua Wallace |
Cancels assisted teleop behavior action |
Steve Macenski |
Cancels compute complete coverage |
Steve Macenski |
Calls coverage planner server |
Marc Morcos |
Extracts a pose from a path |
Steve Macenski |
Calls dock robot action |
Steve Macenski |
Calls undock robot action |
Condition Plugin Name |
Creator |
Description |
Carl Delsey |
Checks if goal is reached within tol. |
Aitor Miguel Blanco |
Checks if goal is preempted. |
Joshua Wallace |
Checks if goal is preempted in the global BT context |
Carl Delsey |
Checks if initial pose has been set |
Michael Jeronimo |
Checks if robot is making progress or stuck |
Tony Najjar |
Checks if robot is stopped for a duration |
Steve Macenski |
Checks if a TF transformation is available. When succeeds returns success for subsequent calls. |
Sarthak Mittal |
Checks is robot has traveled a given distance. |
Sarthak Mittal |
Checks if a given time period has passed. |
Sarthak Mittal |
Checks if battery percentage is below a specified value. |
Joshua Wallace |
Checks if a path is valid by making sure there are no LETHAL obstacles along the path. |
Joshua Wallace |
Checks if the timer has expired. The timer is reset if the path gets updated. |
Joshua Wallace |
Checks if the specified error codes are present. |
Joshua Wallace |
Checks if a controller recovery could help clear the controller server error code. |
Joshua Wallace |
Checks if a planner recovery could help clear the planner server error code. |
Joshua Wallace |
Checks if a Smoother recovery could help clear the smoother server error code. |
Alberto Tudela |
Checks if the battery is charging. |
Decorator Plugin Name |
Creator |
Description |
Michael Jeronimo |
Throttles child node to a given rate |
Sarthak Mittal |
Ticks child node based on the distance traveled by the robot |
Sarthak Mittal |
Throttles child node to a rate based on current robot speed. |
Francisco Martín |
Updates the goal received via topic subscription. |
Steve Macenski |
Triggers nodes/subtrees below only a single time per BT run. |
Pradheep Padmanabhan |
Triggers child nodes if the new global path is significantly larger than the old global path on approach to the goal |
Sophia Koffler |
Ticks child node if the goal has been updated |
Control Plugin Name |
Creator |
Description |
Carl Delsey |
A variant of a sequence node that will re-tick previous children even if another child is running |
Carl Delsey |
Node must contain 2 children and returns success if first succeeds. If first fails, the second will be ticked. If successful, it will retry the first and then return its value |
Mohammad Haghighipanah |
Will tick |