Jazzy to Kilted

Moving from ROS 2 Jazzy to Kilted, a number of stability improvements were added that we will not specifically address here.

BehaviorTree error_msg

In PR #4459 adds error_msg to all action result messages and PR #4460 captures and propagates error_msg result strings through the bt_navigator, a new parameter for the BT Navigator error_code_name_prefixes was introduced, AND it is a mandatory replacement for error_code_names.

In other words the existence of the error_code_names parameter will be rejected as a runtime exception at startup and MUST be removed.

When configured correctly, and the behaviour tree xml configuration is modified appropriately, error codes and contextual error messages are propagated in the Result message of Nav2 action server requests.

This allows handling of specific errors with more contextual information, than simply the error code, to be viewed by application clients calling Nav2 or its servers.

Behavior tree based Navigator Action requests, require augmentation of behavior tree elements that support error_code_id and error_msg output ports.

The corresponding attribute values, must use port variable names that combine the relevant error_code_names_prefix with the suffix _error_code and _error_msg.

The following is an example of the error_code_names parameter that must be replaced

  - compute_path_error_code
  - follow_path_error_code

with the error_code_names_prefixes parameter which specifies prefixes for the current set of built in action servers.

  - assisted_teleop
  - backup
  - compute_path
  - dock_robot
  - drive_on_heading
  - follow_path
  - nav_thru_poses
  - nav_to_pose
  - spin
  - route
  - undock_robot
  - wait

The following provides examples of modifications that should be made to behavior tree configurations to propagate the error messages and codes to the BT navigator result.

<ComputePathToPose goal="{goal}" path="{path}" planner_id="{selected_planner}" error_code_id="{compute_path_error_code} error_msg="{compute_path_error_msg}"/>
<FollowPath path="{path}" controller_id="{selected_controller}" error_code_id="{follow_path_error_code}" error_msg="{follow_path_error_msg}"/>
<Spin spin_dist="1.57" error_code_id="{spin_error_code}" error_msg="{spin_error_msg}"/>
<Wait wait_duration="5.0" error_code_id="{wait_error_code}" error_msg="{wait_error_msg}"/>
<BackUp backup_dist="0.30" backup_speed="0.15" error_code_id="{backup_error_code}" error_msg="{backup_error_msg}"/>
<DriveOnHeading dist_to_travel="2.0" speed="0.2" time_allowance="12" error_code_id="{drive_on_heading_error_code}" error_msg="{drive_on_heading_error_msg}"/>
<UndockRobot dock_type="{dock_type}" error_code_id="{undock_robot_error_code}" error_msg="{undock_robot_error_msg}" />
<DockRobot dock_id="{dock_id}" error_code_id="{dock_robot_error_code}" error_msg="{dock_robot_error_msg}"/>
<NavigateToPose goal="{picking_location}" error_code_id="{nav_to_pose_error_code}" error_msg="{nav_to_pose_error_msg}"/>

The explicit specification of the error_code_names_prefix for both error_code_id and error_msg in the behavior tree xml is done to provide a configuration based level of indirection to enable resolution of namespace conflicts between built in Nav2 and third party actions servers.

If custom BTActionServer, BehaviorTreeNavigator, or associated BT nodes for task servers exist in your system, please review the PR to update the files to support the error code propagation.

TwistStamped Default CmdVel Change

In Kilted and newer, the default cmd_vel topic for all Twist publishers and subscriptions is changed to TwistStamped in order to enable a broader range of applications. it also allows for rejection of stale velocity messages, which can be useful in some applications. Your robot should now subscribe to a TwistStamped message instead of a Twist message & update your simulation appropriately. The topic names are the same.

However, this can be disabled by setting enable_stamped_cmd_vel to false in the nav2_params.yaml file for all nodes that involve Twist subscriptions or publications. See the configuration guide for more information on how to configure this parameter for each node.

An example simulation migration using Gazebo can be seen in the following pull request for the Turtlebot 3 and 4.

New Nav2 Loopback Simulator

The nav2_loopback_sim is a stand-alone simulator to create a “loopback” for non-physical simulation to replace robot hardware, physics simulators (Gazebo, Bullet, Isaac Sim, etc). It computes the robot’s odometry based on the command velocity’s output request to create a perfect ‘frictionless plane’-style simulation for unit testing, system testing, R&D on higher level systems, testing behaviors without concerning yourself with localization accuracy or system dynamics, and multirobot simulations.

Docking with Static Infrastructure or Dynamic Docking

In PR #4627 a docking plugin type and logic was added to support non-charging dock types in the nav2 docking server. This allows users to specify docking locations to static infrastructure, such as conveyers, or dynamic docking locations, such as a pallet. It also includes a new docking plugin to demonstrate the new docking server capabilities simple_non_charging_dock.

New RViz panel for Docking

In PR #4458 a new RViz panel was added to interact with the Docking Server.

This panel allows the user to:

  • Dock the robot to a charger, selecting the dock id or the dock pose and type. It also allows the user to set whether or not to navigate to the staging pose.

  • Undock the robot from a charger.

The panel displays the action goal status and feedback published by nav2_msgs/DockRobot and nav2_msgs/UndockRobot actions. Users can find information such as elapsed time, number of retries and the current state of the action (staging, controlling, etc.), as well as the error codes of the action.

Here we can see the working demo of the plugin:



If the docking server is unavailable, then the combo box of the dock type will be empty.

BT Nodes Changes

Below is a list of new BT Nodes added:

  • GetPoseFromPath: An action to get a particular pose from an input path.

  • RemoveInCollisionGoals: An action to remove waypoints that have a cost higher than a threshold.

  • IsStopped: A condition to check if the robot is stopped for a certain duration.

Below is a list of changes to existing BT Nodes:

  • GoalUpdater: It now supports updating a list of goals as well (useful for NavigateThroughPoses interface)

New RViz Tool for Costmap Cost Cell Inspection

In PR #4546 a new RViz tool was added to get the costmap costcell’s cost and a service to get the costcell’s cost at the footprint pose.


  • Click on any point in the costmap with costmap rviz tool to retrieve and display the cost value at that cell.

  • nav2_msgs/GetCosts service can be used to retrieve the cost at footprint pose

Working demo of the tool:



If the costmap service is unavailable, then the tool will not be able to fetch and display the cost values.

Fix flickering visualization

In PR #4561 a map_vis_z parameter has been introduced to Costmap2DROS to help modify the map slightly below the default plane, aiming to eliminate rviz visualization flickering issues.

Default Value:

  • map_vis_z: 0.0

Minimum Value Without Flickering:

  • map_vis_z: -0.008





Option to limit velocity through DWB trajectory

In PR #4663 a limit_vel_cmd_in_traj parameter was introduced to DWB local planner to allow the user to limit the velocity used in the trajectory generation based on the robot’s current velocity.

Default value:

  • false

Option to disable zero velocity publishing on goal exit

In PR #4675 a publish_zero_velocity parameter was introduced for the Controller server in order to disable zero velocity publishing on goal exit.

Default value:

  • true

Rotation Shim Disengagement Threshold

The parameter angular_disengage_threshold was introduced as a new threshold for disengagement of the rotation in the rotation shim controller. Previous behavior rotated until the angular_dist_threshold, now it can rotate until the angular_disengage_threshold, which can be set closer to the path’s orientation if desired.

Added optional collision checking for the Docking Server

In PR #4752 an optional collision checking feature was added to the Docking server to check for collisions between the robot and the dock.

Default value:

  • true

Revamped multirobot bringup and config files to use namespaces

In PR #4715 multirobot bringup and the use of namespaces were overhauled to be compatible out of the box with ROS namespaces and remove custom logic, specifically:

  • The use_namespace parameter has been removed from nav2_bringup launch files. The namespace parameter will now always be used and default to / for “global namespace”.

  • There is now a single rviz config file for both normal and namespaced robots. Topics have been changed to a relative path (i.e. /map -> map) and the rviz namespace will be added automatically.

  • There is now a single nav2_params.yaml config file for both single and multirobot bringup. All the topics have been changed to relative (i.e. /scan -> scan).

Note that some plugins / nodes might have their own local namespace. This is the case for CostmapLayer which will be in a /ns/[layer_name] namespace. For these, a new function joinWithParentNamespace has been added to make sure joining relative paths results in /ns/topic_name rather than /ns/[layer_name]/topic_name.

If your use case doesn’t require multiple robots, keeping absolute paths in your nav2_params.yaml config file and rviz config file will preserve existing behavior.

For example, if you specify topic: scan in the voxel_layer of a local_costmap and you launch your bringup with a tb4 namespace:

  • User chosen namespace is tb4.

  • User chosen topic is scan.

  • Topic will be remapped to /tb4/scan without local_costmap.

  • Use global topic /scan if you do not wish the node namespace to apply

Removed global map_topic from Costmap node

In PR #4715 the global map_topic parameter has been removed from the Costmap2DROS node. This parameterwas only used in the StaticLayer and should be defined as a parameter local to the StaticLayer instead, for example:

      # Not supported anymore
      map_topic: my_map
        plugin: "nav2_costmap_2d::StaticLayer"
        map_subscribe_transient_local: True
        # Do this instead
        map_topic: my_map

Simplified Costmap2DROS constructors

The following constructors for Costmap2DROS have been removed:

explicit Costmap2DROS(
 const std::string & name,
 const std::string & parent_namespace,
 const std::string & local_namespace,
 const bool & use_sim_time);

explicit Costmap2DROS(const std::string & name, const bool & use_sim_time = false);

They have been consolidated into a single one:

explicit Costmap2DROS(
 const std::string & name,
 const std::string & parent_namespace = "/",
 const bool & use_sim_time = false);

The local_namespace parameter has been removed and is now automatically set to the node’s name (which is what the second removed constructor did). Parameters parent_namespace / use_sim_time both provide default values to maintain the ability of creating a Costmap2DROS object by just specifying a name.

Option to disable collision checking in DriveOnHeading, BackUp and Spin Actions

In PR #4785 a new boolean parameter named disable_collision_checks was added to the DriveOnHeading, BackUp and Spin actions to optionally disable collision checking. This can be useful, for example, in cases where you want to move the robot even in the presence of known obstacles.

Default value:

  • false

New Plugin Container Layer

In PR #4781 a costmap layer plugin type was added to support the grouping of different costmap layers under a single costmap layer. This would allow for different isolated combinations of costmap layers to be combined under one parent costmap instead of the current implementation which would indiscriminately combine all costmap layers together.

Iterative Target Selection for the Graceful Controller

In PR #4795 the nav2_graceful_controller was updated to iteratively select motion targets. This is a large refactor which significantly improves the performance of the controller. The motion_target_dist parameter has been replaced by min_lookahead and max_lookahead parameters. Additional changes include:

  • Improved defaults for k_phi, k_delta, beta parameters of the underlying control law.

  • Automatic creation of orientations for the plan if they are missing.

  • Addition of v_angular_min_in_place parameter to avoid the robot getting stuck while rotating due to mechanical limitations.

  • final_rotation has been renamed prefer_final_rotation and the behavior has changed slightly.

Conform to ROS 2 launch syntax in Turtlebot 3 multi-robot launch file

In PR #5000 the cloned_multi_tb3_simulation_launch.py launch file was updated so that parsing the robots conforms to the ROS 2 launch file standards. This change allows users to pass the robots from another launch file through launch_arguments which was not possible with the old version.

Example for including cloned_multi_tb3_simulation_launch.py in another launch file:

        os.path.join(get_package_share_directory('nav2_bringup'), "launch", "cloned_multi_tb3_simulation_launch.py")
    launch_arguments={"robots": "{name: 'robot1', pose: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5, yaw: 1.5707}}"}.items(),

ComputePathThroughPoses, NavigateThroughPoses and other BT nodes now use nav_msgs/Goals instead of vector<PoseStamped>

In PR #269 a new message type Goals was introduced to the nav_msgs package. In PR #4980, all collections of PoseStamped has been migrated to use the nav_msgs::msg::Goals message. Most notably, NavigateThroughPoses.action and ComputePathThroughPoses.action have been updated to use nav_msgs/Goals. Since nav_msgs/Goals contains a header, the poses are now accessed via NavigateThroughPoses.poses.goals instead of NavigateThroughPoses.poses or ComputePathThroughPoses.goals.goals instead of ComputePathThroughPoses.poses. Please update your code accordingly when using these interfaces.

MPPI controller re-implemented using Eigen library and performance improved by 40-45%

In the PR #4621 MPPI controller is fully reimplemented using Eigen as it is well supported hpc library and suits better for our use case of two dimensional batches of trajectories. GPU support for rolling out trajectories could also be possible in future using Eigen. MPPI Optimizer’s performance is improved by 40-50%. Now MPPI Controller can also be run on ARM processors which do not support SIMD Instructions extensively.

DriveOnHeading and BackUp behaviors: Addition of acceleration constraints

PR #4810 adds new parameters acceleration_limit, deceleration_limit, minimum_speed for the DriveOnHeading and BackUp Behaviors. The default values are as follows:

  • acceleration_limit: 2.5

  • deceleration_limit: -2.5

  • minimum_speed: 0.10

Rotation Shim Deceleration as a function of its target orientation

In PR #4864 the Rotation Shim Controller was updated to decelerate as a function of its target orientation. This allows the robot to slow down as it approaches its target orientation, reducing overshoot when passing to the primary controller. The deceleration is controlled by the max_angular_accel parameter.

A demo can be seen below with the following parameters:

  plugin: "nav2_rotation_shim_controller::RotationShimController"
  angular_dist_threshold: 1.22 # (70 degrees)
  angular_disengage_threshold: 0.05 # (3 degrees)
  rotate_to_heading_angular_vel: 0.8
  max_angular_accel: 0.5
Rotation Shim Deceleration

Rotation Shim Open-loop Control

The parameter closed_loop was introduced to the Rotation Shim Controller to allow users to choose between open-loop and closed-loop control. If false, the rotationShimController will use the last commanded velocity as the next iteration’s current velocity. When acceleration limits are set appropriately and the robot’s controllers are responsive, this can be a good assumption. If true, it will use odometry to estimate the robot’s current speed. In this case it is important that the source is high-rate and low-latency to account for control delay.

Default value:

  • true